I am thankful for the seed that God planted in me long ago--the desire to know Him deeply. Many times in my life I have had people chide me when I mentioned God, but in the end, He loved me before I could even begin to understand that I was loving Him in return.


He is holy and pure. He is a great love that is also truth, not like the world understands, but in the deepest of all moments, He is the truth that hurts, but then brings forth life. Only He can tell me my shortcomings in a way that makes me want to rise and do better, not like the legalism found in many churches that push principles as the path to knowing God. Try harder, do more! Then God will give you success.


This is the kind of thinking that has led to the prosperity gospel, where we trade knowing Him for having gifts and an easy life. Better are His wounds than the kisses of an enemy, Proverbs 27:6.


My pursuit of understanding the Trinity has gained me a better understanding of myself. If God can give me a glimpse into Eternity  Past, then I begin to understand His completeness (in as far as a human mind can understand so great a concept). He was without need. He was, is and will continue to be LOVE, and it is the Father that pours His love into the His Son through the agent of the Holy Spirit. Complete Oneness hidden from man, but revealed to those who ask.